Get your free aquarium screensaver!!!

Thursday 19 April 2007

Keeping fish offers a low maintenance pet and a decorative living feature. Unlike many animals that will shed their hair, a home aquarium will enhance your living space with its presence.

Adults and children can both appreciate a home aquarium. The calming effect of bubbling water is pleasing to the ear. Bright tropical fish stimulate the eye. Children can learn responsibility and the other lessons that a pet teaches.

Those who find pleasure in this hobby often find themselves buying one aquarium after another until they run out of space. If you have never kept fish before it may be difficult to understand why people enjoy them so much.

If you are looking to buy an aquarium there has never been a better time. Fish tank designs for today's modern homes are more decorative than the iron framed versions from the past. The shapes can range from flat panels that are wall mounted to centerpiece coffee tables that house fish in the base.

The best thing is that aquariums do not have to be expensive. There is a fish tank priced to suit any budget. A cheap aquarium can be found which will do the job of the more decorative models.

To equip the tank for best performance you will also need to select some aquarium products. When making your selections match equipment with the aquarium you selected. More powerful filters and heaters will be required for higher volume models.

When it comes to selecting the fish remember to choose specimens that will all live happily together. Matching fish with similar diets and water requirements simplifies many aspects of the process.

Following these principles will let you experience the joys of owning an aquarium for yourself. Before long you too will be enjoying the pleasures that fish offer.


Keeping pets can help your children to have respect for other living creatures, as well as teach children responsibility and the importance of taking care of what belongs to them. However, it is not always a good idea to simply run out and purchase a dog or a cat.A fish, on the other hand, is an excellent choice for a first pet, as its specific qualities make it ideal for helping kids learn about taking care of a pet.

Shopping for the fish can actually be a fun experience. The kids get to look at different kinds of fish, and they get to look at aquariums. Picking out what goes in the aquarium, to “decorate” the fish’s “home” is also part of the fun. Starting out with a simple aquarium, or an even simpler fish bowl, is a good bet. Let the child choose out colorful rocks for the bottom of the fish tank or bowl, and let him or her choose a plant or some ceramic decoration. It need not be fancy.

Points that are important while having fishes as your pet :

* Location of your aquarium - It is advisable to keep your fish tank away from direct, or even indirect, sunlight. Long hours of sunlight will induce algae, something you do not want if you wish to keep your aquarium beautiful.

*Preparing your water - Water is the single most important element of an aquarium. It is important to prepare your water before adding any fishes, as most tap water contains chemicals like chlorine and chloramine, which are harmful to fishes. So be sure to get a bottle of water conditioner from your favourite pet shop that neutralizes both chlorine and chloramine.

*Setting up your filter - Your filter provides water circulation, and also oxygenates the water, if your type of filter causes water surface disturbance. If your aquarium is heavily loaded with fishes, and your filter fails for even a few hours, it could be fatal.

*Observing your fishes - If your fishes refuse to eat, do not put in more food. Try feeding again the next day. This is normal and you do not need to worry, as the fishes most likely already eaten when in the pet shop, and they can survive for as long as a week without food.

Soon, your fishes will get used to their environment. They will start becoming more active. Their vibrant colors will start showing. And they may even recognize you whenever you come close to feed them. That is the reward of fish-keeping! But of course, you have to be a responsible owner. Performing the regular water changes, medicating them when they get sick, and feeding them quality food everyday.